Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil (Effectiveness & Price)

Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil (Effectiveness & Price)

  • Posted On: Jun 13, 2023
  • Posted By: Dr Coleman

Sildenafil and tadalafil are the powerhouses behind the well-known men's sexual dysfunction medications, Viagra and Cialis, respectively. These active ingredients have carved a niche in the pharmaceutical sector, revolutionizing the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The patent protection for Viagra and Cialis has now expired, leading to the rise of generic drugs carrying the same active ingredients. This important change has led to a wider and more affordable range of choices for consumers.

Who Uses Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil?

The realm of erectile dysfunction is a varied one, encompassing a broad range of conditions. From mild to severe, it is estimated that about 1 in 5 men suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction. According to the Men's Health Forum in Australia, erectile dysfunction affects 20% of men aged over 40, suggesting a substantial market for both sildenafil and tadalafil. These figures underline the fact that erectile dysfunction is not a rare condition, and that medications are important players in helping men overcome this common problem.

Effectiveness of Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil

These two treatments, being the generic counterparts of Viagra and Cialis, are both licensed and approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Each serves a different but related need. Sildenafil, with its relatively short duration of action, is more suited for those seeking a solution for one-off encounters or occasional sexual activity.

On the other hand, tadalafil, boasting a considerably longer duration of action - up to 36 hours - is more suited to those in committed relationships, seeking to maintain sexual readiness over a more extended period, such as during romantic weekends away or holidays.

Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil Side Effects

Despite their effectiveness, both of these medications do carry potential side effects. Common ones may include flushing, headaches, upset stomach, abnormal vision, stuffy or runny nose, muscle pain, and dizziness. However, the incidence of serious side effects is low, and both medications have excellent safety records. It is crucial to remember that all medication should be taken as directed, and any severe side effects experienced should be reported to a healthcare provider.

Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil Cost

When it comes to cost, the generic versions of these drugs offer significant savings. For sildenafil, the basic kamagra formulation, prices range from $2 to $2.50 per pill depending on the quantity you decide to purchase. Tadalafil, exemplified by the Vidalista 20 mg formulation, has a price range of $2 to $3 per pill. The availability of these generic drugs online, has made erectile dysfunction treatments more accessible and affordable than ever before.

Sildenafil Vs Tadalafil: You Decide?

In the end, the decision between these two medicines comes down to individual needs and lifestyle choices. While both have proven track records in terms of effectiveness and safety, the difference in duration of action and price can influence the decision.

If you are ready to take the sildenafil Vs Tadalafil challenge then head over to our homepage Our extensive range of sildenafil and tadalafil treatments make it possible to get ahead of ED once and for all.

Dr Coleman
Reviewed by:

Dr Coleman

Upon graduating from Macquarie University in Sydney with a master's degree in writing and English literature, Dr Coleman initially specialized in content writing. Rubens passion for the medical industry grew from the years of experience he gained as a researcher and writer.

Checked: 12th July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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