Vardenafil: Duration of Action & Side Effects

Vardenafil: Duration of Action & Side Effects

  • Posted On: Jun 13, 2023
  • Posted By: Dr Coleman

Vardenafil is the key ingredient used in various medications, including Valif Oral Jelly and Valif 20 mg tablets. People may already be familiar with the name Levitra, which was the original brand that contained vardenafil. When the Levitra patent expired, generic, more affordable version of the medication became available.

Known for its potency and low risk of side effects, vardenafil is now available in a number of easy to take and fast acting formulas. Regardless of the formula, hard tablet or Jelly, vardenafil is a licensed and approved treatment for erectile dysfunction with an outstanding safety profile. 

Vardenafil Activation Time,

The activation time of vardenafil will vary depending on the formula. Tablets typically take 30 to 60 minutes to work, while jellies can be felt within 15 minutes. This is due to gel-based medications being rapidly absorbed in the small intestine soon after administration.

The preference for one form over another depends on the treatment needs of the patient. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition in Australia, with a survey recording 61% of men who were 45 years old and over experiencing this condition at the time they were questioned.

Vardenafil Duration of Action

Once the effects of vardenafil are felt, they will be at their peak concentration levels for the first 4 – 6 hours. The powerful concentration of vardenafil ensures that users will feel an increased response to sexual stimulation, during the time the medication remains in the bloodstream.

In a recent study, it has been demonstrated that 81% of people who used vardenafil still experienced its effects and successfully completed intercourse 8 hours after administration. The research further indicated that residual effects of the medication can be felt for up to 24 hours after taking it.

Side Effects of Vardenafil

Within clinical trials, Vardenafil has been proven to be effective and safe, with a mild risk of side effects. All pharmaceutical products carry some level of risk; however, the chances are low when they are used as labelled.

Some of the most common side effects include;

  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing of the face
  • Upset stomach
  • Stuffy nose

This ingredient is 10 times more potent than sildenafil, which is the active ingredient in Viagra. This means that much less is needed to achieve the desired effect. As a result, a study has concluded that medications that contain Vardenafil have a lower risk of side effects.

Use Vardenafil Safely 

Vardenafil is a safe medication when used properly. It is important to follow the directions of a healthcare provider and not take more than the recommended dose. Products containing this compound should not be taken by people with certain medical conditions, including kidney or liver problems.

To learn more about tadalafil or the medications that contain this powerful active ingredient, visit our website As the leading provider of sexual dysfunction medication in Australia our confidential service offers men and women high quality sexual dysfunction medication at a price they can afford. 

Dr Coleman
Reviewed by:

Dr Coleman

Upon graduating from Macquarie University in Sydney with a master's degree in writing and English literature, Dr Coleman initially specialized in content writing. Rubens passion for the medical industry grew from the years of experience he gained as a researcher and writer.

Checked: 12th July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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